Dipping mercury worsens worries of flood victims
‘Relief amount insufficient for building houses’
As temperature goes on dipping with every passing day, the worries of the people, rendered homeless by the September floods, proportionately swell, consigning a gloomy countenance to the victims.
Exhibiting dismay over the paltry amount of relief money granted as compensation by the government to build and repair their damaged houses, the disgruntled victims are scared of the approaching winter in absence of any concrete or solid shelter against the chilling season.
The state government is sanctioning Rs 75000 as compensation for completely damaged houses while as partially damaged ones get only Rs 3800.
“Our house was put in partially damaged category as it had developed cracks. The district administration as well as experts declared the house unsafe for residing in, leaving us without any house. Ironically, we were given Rs 3800 as aid to repair or build another house,” Ghulam Mohiudin Ganai of Kaigam Awantipora said.
“This amount is too meagre to fulfil even wages of eight labourers for one day, leave alone reconstruction or repairing of house which needs lakhs of rupees,” he added.
“People here are putting up in temporary tin sheds where the sufferings of people are multiplied in rains and cold. The rain water enters into the sheds giving tough times to the occupants who have no other option but to stay put,” another resident, Tauseef Ahmad Ganai said.
“The government showed extreme indifference by granting a miniscule amount as compensation to the affected families for rebuilding or repairing houses,” he rued.
“Some organisations are providing warm clothes, food packs and beddings but it does not reach to all deserving people which adds to our miseries,” the disenchanted residents said in unison.
They are critical of the government for declaring election schedule stating that “election process will take all the attention and flood victims will be left at the mercy of Almighty.”
“We are unable to arrange food and proper shelter. The freezing season is fast nearing but the government instead of paying all attention towards our problems is getting busy in election. What worse can we see than this when people are crying for help and political parties are planning to grab their votes,” some angry residents blurted out.
“Elections at a time when we don’t have food or shelter is meaningless for us,” they added, demanding enhancement of relief money to a genuine extent of their requirements.