19 more test positive for swine flu in Kashmir

Nineteen more patients have tested positive for swine flu in Kashmir taking the total number of people infected with the H1N1 virus to 172.

“No death has been reported today. However, 19 patients tested positive for H1N1 in the last 24 hours,” PRO, SKIMS, Kulsooma Bhat said.

Bhat said the number of people infected with swine flu in the Valley has risen to 172 since the first case in October last year.

He said the number of patients admitted in the isolation ward of the hospital at present is 11.

“Among them only one patient is on ventilator. Three patients, who were undergoing treatment for the disease at SKIMS hospital, were discharged today,” she said.

Bhat said 145 patients with respiratory symptoms were seen at the Special OPD of the hospital today and 17 samples were taken for testing.

The reports for the tests conducted today would be available tomorrow, she said.

She said the hospital had received a new stock of 20,000 Tamiflu tablets and 2,000 N95 masks.

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