Attack on Kashmiri driver communal frenzy: Hurriyat (M)

Attack on Kashmiri driver communal frenzy - Hurriyat (M)Condemning the assault on another Kashmiri trucker, Farooq Ahmad at Nadani on the Srinagar-Jammu highway by communal elements, the Hurriyat Conference (M) on Monday said the government is maintaining criminal silence over this communal frenzy.

A Hurriyat (M) spokesman in a statement issued to GNS said the government is irresponsible by maintaining silence over the repeated attacks on Kashmiri truckers and expressed concern over such attacks becoming a norm in Jammu region.

He said with the government remaining silent over these attacks, the communal elements and fanatics are getting encouraged and the life of Kashmiris travelling outside is also under threat.

Terming it as an unacceptable development, the Hurriyat (M) spokesman urged the ruling government to take immediate steps to stop this trend as it was becoming a norm not an aberration.

Blaming the pro-India political parties of making Kashmir economically dependent and looting Kashmir’s vast resources, he said by keeping Kashmir issue unresolved, not only were the people of Kashmir in danger but also crores of people of entire South Asia who were facing political uncertainty.

He said the amalgam today reached out to the people in south Kashmir’s Islamabad areas of Mattan, Seer Hamdan, Sali, Achabal with its peoples’ contact movement and also met a number of delegations of the people and held a workers meeting.

Speaking on the occasion, senior leader of the conglomerate, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza said peace cannot be guaranteed without resolving Kashmir issue as per the wishes and aspirations people of Kashmir.

Terming curbs on the movement of resistance leadership as politics of vendetta on part of the government, Waza said these tactics cannot change the reality of Kashmir issue or abort the conglomerate’s peoples’ contact movement.

He said the Hurriyat’s stand was based on reality and the world community had accepted this fact that Kashmiris deserve to exercise their right to self-determination.

Waza said the Indian leadership should give up their stubborn stance on Kashmir and resolve it as per the wishes and aspirations of the people instead of turning a blind eye toward it.

Demanding the release of the resistance leadership held in various jails and detention centres, he said it was unfortunate that the government which talks of democracy and raises slogans like ‘Goli sey nahin, baat bane gi boli sey’ indulges in such tactics of aggression and political vendetta and extends the detentions of the resistance leadership and workers without any justification. (GNS)

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