Eid Prayers Banned Again at Srinagar’s Jama Masjid, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq under House Arrest

Mirwaiz-e-Kashmir put under house arrest, barred from offering Eid prayers for the sixth time in a row

Srinagar: In a move sparking criticism, local authorities in Srinagar for the sixth consecutive year disallowed Eid prayers at the historic Jama Masjid and Eidgah, according to a statement issued by the Anjuman Auqaf Jama Masjid (AAJ), the mosque’s management body.

The AAJ reported that on Eid morning, following Fajr prayers, police personnel locked the gates of the 14th-century Jama Masjid and informed them that the scheduled Eid prayers at 9:00 am would not be permitted.

Furthermore, the AAJ alleged that Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a prominent religious and political figure in Kashmir, was placed under house arrest, preventing him from delivering the traditional Eid sermon.

“This continued denial to hold congregational Eid prayers, a cornerstone of religious observance and community spirit, is not only disrespectful but also exposes the hollowness of claims about normalcy in Kashmir,” said Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, condemning the restrictions. “These actions only highlight the ongoing limitations and the true state of affairs in the region.”

The development comes amidst simmering tensions in Kashmir. The AAJ’s statement has been met with criticism from various quarters, with many viewing it as an infringement on religious freedom.

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