Mewar like incidents depict hatred, bias against Kashmiri Muslims: Jammat

Mewar like incidents depict hatred, bias against Kashmiri Muslims - JammatJamaat Islami (JeI) J&K Thursday denounced the “vicious plan of some chauvinistic” elements associated with some Hindu fanatic organisations to intimidate the Muslim Kashmiri students studying in different educational institutions in India and as such force them to give up their educational courses before completion.

JeI said it depicts the ‘hatred and bias’ of these communalists against the Kashmiri Muslims who are leading in the educational spheres despite all odds and difficulties because of their attachment to Islam.

“At some places these students are subjected to inhuman atrocities on false and frivolous allegations of eating beef and at other places harassed by police on mere suspicion of having links with Daish etc. without any proof at all. The fanatic elements having backing of some Hindutva forces including BJP openly attack these innocent students in the campuses in presence of the police and other security agencies. This type of terrorism is committed with the tacit support of the BJP regime in New Delhi which is notorious for its anti-Muslim policies and programmes from the date it came into existence,” JeI spokesperson said in a statement.

Jamaat Islami while expressing deep concern over the safety of Kashmiri students studying in different parts of India denounced the “communally biased attitude tacitly sponsored by the Indian security agencies to create a sense of insecurity among these innocent students.”

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