Kashmir tourism industry gears up ahead of New Year

After witnessing worst slump in the wake of floods, the Kashmir tourism industry is fast refurbishing for the upcoming season.
To begin with the tourism department here in association with local stakeholders has decided to organize some cultural and adventurous programs in the run up to the New Year celebrations.
On December 29, Funtoosh- an entertainment firm would organize a skit at SKICC; On Dec 30, there will be a program to be organized by youngsters at Nageen Club and on December 31 tourist department will organize cultural programs at Gulmarg.
From January 3, the department will organize skiing training program in Pahalgam in order to promote it as an alternative skiing destination.
Talat Pervaz, director Tourism department, said the directorate will organize a number of cultural functions and special arrangements have been made to celebrate the spirit of Chillai-Kalan considered to be the dull season for tourism.
Meanwhile, the tourism players in Kashmir have urged the tourism department to promote Kashmir tourism in a massive way.  “It is good that tourist department is organizing various events on the eve of New Year.  But the department must launch massive promotion campaigning outside J&K to clear apprehensions of the prospective tourists about post-flood situation in Kashmir,” Chairman, JK Hoteliers’ Club, Mushtaq Chaya said.

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