PDP fails to fulfil promise of revoking AFSPA from Kashmir

PDP fails to fulfil promise of revoking AFSPA from KashmirWhile pro-India Peoples Democratic Party has failed to fulfil its promise of repealing draconian law, Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), from Kashmir, Indian government has made it clear to the PDP that there is no proposal under its consideration to withdraw the Act.

The Indian Minister of State for Home Affairs, Haribhai Parathbhai Choudary, in a written reply to the Lok Sabha (the lower house of Indian Parliament) said that there was no proposal under consideration of the Government of India to withdraw the AFSPA from Kashmir and other Indian states at present.

The Indian government’s assertion on continuation of the AFSPA in occupied Kashmir comes at a time when certain quarters have demanded withdrawal of the Act from the territory in the wake of recent killings in Kupwara district. Five civilians including a woman were shot dead by Indian Army and police in Kupwara district last month.

It is also worth mentioning here that in its Agenda of Alliance, the framework guiding functioning of six-year coalition regime in the territory, the PDP and BJP had pledged to examine the need for de-notifying Distributed Areas Act to pave way for the AFSPA revocation.

The black law gives Indian troops unbridled powers and impunity for their inhuman actions in occupied Kashmir.

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