FIR Filed Against Medical Student for ‘Blasphemous’ Remarks in Srinagar

FIR Filed Against Medical Student for ‘Blasphemous’ Remarks in Srinagar

  • The police action came a day after hundreds of students held a demonstration on the campus of the GMC

  • Won’t allow anyone to hurt religious sentiments of any community in Kashmir: IGP V K Bhridi

The Jammu and Kashmir Police on May 6 lodged a First Information Report (FIR) in a medical student for allegedly posting “blasphemous” content against Prophet Muhammad at the Government Medical College, Srinagar. The post evoked protests on the college’s campus.

The police filed the case under Section 153 (promotion of enmity in society), 153A (promoting disharmony on the grounds of religion), 295A (malicious acts to insult religious beliefs) and 505(2) (publishes or circulates any statement or report containing rumour or alarming news) of the Indian Penal Code.

“The police take cognizance of the incident of posting of sensitive content against religious sentiments of a particular community by a student of GMC, Srinagar. Common public is appealed to desist from spreading rumours/false information. They shouldn’t fall prey to false propaganda of anti-social elements. A legal action shall be taken against those who are found to be involved in provocative act/instigation,” a police spokesman said.

The police action comes a day after hundreds of students held a demonstration on the campus of the GMC, Srinagar, and alleged a non-local student posted “blasphemous remarks” on social media and “refused to remove despite several requests”.

GMC, Srinagar suspends the student

A spokesman of the GMC, Srinagar, said, “Pending enquiry the concerned individual has been suspended with immediate effect. An enquiry comprising 13 HOD’s/HOU’s (Head of Departments) has been initiated for necessary action under the rules. All concerned are requested to maintain peace and tranquillity on the campus,” the GMC, Srinagar, said, in a statement.

The Resident Doctors Association (RDA), GMC, Srinagar, termed the student’s action “a deplorable act of blasphemy”. “Such an egregious transgression not only grievously wounds the religious sensibilities of many but also imperils the very fabric of societal harmony and mutual respect,” the RDA said.

National Conference (NC) leader Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi, who was elected as the Member of Parliament from Srinagar, urged the Srinagar administration “to take immediate action and book this offender immediately under law. A mere suspension of the student is not enough.”

“This has become a habit of some students in different institutions of Srinagar to post disrespectful content about the Prophet. The recent offence from a student in GMC Srinagar is a fresh example. These repeated offences cannot be tolerated in any civilised society. We give due respect to the religious figures of other religions and we expect the people of other religions to be equally civilised,” Mr. Ruhullah said.

‘Blasphemous remarks will not be tolerated’

The Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulama-J&K, a conglomerate of religious bodies led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, said such an incident was “unacceptable”. “Such blasphemous remarks will not be tolerated. The authorities should investigate the matter thoroughly to find out if it is a deliberate attempt to instigate and hurt the religious feelings of the Muslims and take stern action accordingly,”the MMU spokesman said.

He said the hallmark of a certain hate-based ideological movement in India “was spreading its tentacles in J&K that has always upheld religious coexistence and respect for all faiths”. “This ploy will not be allowed to succeed,” the spokesman said. Source

Meanwhile, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir V K Bhirdi Thursday said that police have taken strong note of the posting of sensitive content against religious sentiments at Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar and strict action will be taken against those found involved in hurting the religious sentiments of any community.

VK Bhridi said that J&K police respects all religions and people belong to various sects and faiths. “We have taken strong note of the incident (at GMC Srinagar). The case has been registered and investigations are going on,” he said.

The IGP requested the people of Kashmir not to fall prey to rumours having potential to trigger law and order situation. “We will not allow vested interests to damage the communal fabric in Kashmir,” he said.

Meanwhile, Police said that after the positing of a sensitive content against religious sentiments of a particular community by one student of GMC Srinagar, a criminal case, FIR number 13/24/ under sections 153, 153 A, 295 A., 505, (2) IPC has been registered at police station Karanagar on June 6, 2024.

“Common public is appealed to desist from spreading rumours/false information. They shouldn’t fall prey to false propaganda of anti-social elements. Legal action shall be taken against those found involved in provocative act/instigation,” the police said—(KNO)

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