Omar Abdullah cites Irani’s remarks to question BJP’s commitment to Rule of Law

Jammu Kashmir National Conference working president Omar Abdullah Wednesday said the Centre should wait for the Supreme Court’s decision on Article 370’s abrogation rather than “threatening” it, saying remarks by some BJP leaders over the sub-judice matter “almost tantamount” to contempt of court.

His comments came after Union minister Smriti Irani, while participating on the debate on the no-confidence motion against the central government in the Lok Sabha, said “Article 370 will never be restored”.

Abdullah said he feels surprised to hear such remarks from responsible BJP leaders, PTI reported.

“The issue is before the SC, let the SC take a decision. Why are they threatening the SC? A Union minister has made such remarks today in Parliament that they will never allow it to happen. We are waiting for the SC’s decision, they should also do it. Do they feel their case is so weak that they feel the need to threaten? It is regretful. It is almost tantamount to the contempt of court,” he said.

Asked if there is hope after arguments put forth by senior lawyer Kapil Sibal in the top court, Abdullah said while the arguments have been strong, the government has not replied so far.

“We have to see how strong the government’s reply is. Let the case move forward, then only we can discuss whose arguments were better. But, the NC’s decision to have Kapil Sibal and Gopal Subaramanium represent the two petitions by the party has been the best decision, and perhaps, we could not have presented our case any better than this. The rest is with the judges and God, but, we are hopeful,” he said.

“We wouldn’t have gone to the Supreme Court had there been no hope. We went to the SC because we have hope. At least we haven’t threatened the SC like the BJP,” Abdullah told reporters here.

The NC vice president welcomed Chief Justice of India Justice D Y Chandrachud’s praise for his grandfather and NC founder Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, saying the contribution of ‘Sher-e-Kashmir’ — as Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was popularly known as — was in front of all of us.

“Unfortunately, in the last 30-35 years, attempts were made to distort his contribution. The BJP did not leave any stone unturned on it and tried to present his contribution in the wrong manner. It is good that the CJI gave such observations while sitting on a bench and we have welcomed that,” he said.

Asked about PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti’s remarks that the Article 370 case in the top court was a test of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah’s decision to accede to India, Omar Abdullah said it was rather a test of the Constitution.

“This is not the test of Sher-e-Kashmir’s decision but the test of the Constitution because the way Kapil Sibal has argued on the petition of the NC, and the way Gopal Subaramanium is arguing today, it is obvious that what happened with J-K was unconstitutional and illegal.

“We want that the Constitution and the law are upheld. It is not further a test than that. It is a test of the strength of the Constitution, that is all,” he added.

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