CPI(M) leader Tarigami slams UT Divas celebrations, says it's a day of mourning

CPI(M) leader Tarigami slams UT Divas celebrations, says it’s a day of mourning

On Tuesday, CPI(M) leader Mohamad Yousuf Tarigami condemned the UT Divas celebrations in Jammu and Kashmir, calling them an insult to the people of the region.

In a statement, Tarigami said that the historic state of Jammu and Kashmir was declared a Union Territory on August 5, 2019, and the flag was removed from the Civil Secretariat. He asked, “Can this be a celebration or an insult to the people of Jammu and Kashmir?”

Tarigami questioned how the UT Divas celebrations could be justified when Jammu and Kashmir was dismantled and downgraded into two union territories. He said that in Parliament, the BJP government had assured the people that statehood would be restored soon.

Tarigami pointed out that after independence, no state had been downgraded to a Union Territory, while Union Territories were demanding statehood. He said that the Leh Apex Body and Kargil Democratic Alliance from Ladakh were demanding full-fledged statehood.

Tarigami said that celebrating the day as UT Divas and beating the drums was an insult to the people of Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh. He said that on this day, the people of the region were registering their protest against the unconstitutional moves of August 5, 2019, which resulted in the downgrading and dismantling of the historic state and thereby disempowered the people.

Tarigami’s statement is a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir for their rights and dignity. It is also a reminder of the failure of the BJP government to fulfill its promises to the people of the region.

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