KU rusticates 7 students for beating up faculty member

The University of Kashmir today has rusticated seven students of the Law Department after they allegedly assaulted a senior faculty member of the institution.
KU rusticates 7 students for beating up faculty memberThough the students have rendered an apology, university officials said a final decision would be taken after three days.
Few days ago, an unknown person was spotted driving rashly on the campus near the Budshah gate. The students alleged that the driver also hit a student.
The students could not identify the driver as he fled the spot. A university official said they later blamed Prof Nisar Ahmad, Dean, Physical and Material Studies, for the incident and beat him up.
On November 11, seven students of the Law Department, who stay in the university hostel, following some “misinformation” barged into the residence of Prof Nisar Ahmad and beat him up, said university proctor Naseer Iqbal.
“After the incident, the university formed a five-member committee, which decided to rusticate the students,” the official said.
The students though on Wednesday made an appeal to the authorities to consider their apology. They claimed that the incident was a result of some misinformation.
“We were misinformed by some people in the university. We have tendered our apology and have been called by the Vice Chancellor for a meeting. We are hopeful that the authorities will accept our apology,” said one of the rusticated students.
A university official, meanwhile, said the students have been given three days time to come up with a justification following which the committee would take a final call.
The committee is headed by the Dean, Academic Affairs, while Dean, Students Welfare; Dean, Engineering Department; Dean, Law Department; and Chief Proctor are its members.
“For now, the students are facing suspension. They attacked a senior faculty member of the university which cannot be tolerated. However, a final call will be taken after three days,” said an official.

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