Electoral Expression: National Conference Cites Special Status Angst as Poll Driver

Electoral Expression: National Conference Cites Special Status Angst as Poll Driver

NC leader Omar Abdullah on Tuesday said the high voter turnout in Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency was due to the “courage” shown by people to express themselves through their votes.

Omar, who is a candidate for the Baramulla Lok Sabha seat, did not agree with the claims made by the BJP top brass that the record turnout was due to the abrogation of Article 370 by the Centre. “We know how good the situation is. What happened in Shopian and Pahalgam two days earlier tells us how good the situation is,” he said, referring to the twin terror attacks that had left a former sarpanch dead and a tourist couple injured.

“People showed courage to use their right to vote. The Centre does not deserve any credit for it. If they want to link it to Article 370 abrogation, they will have to answer why turnout was higher before 1990,” Omar said.

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