Separatists Threaten Kashmiri Journalists Of Dire Action

  • Mend your ways or face action, Hurriyat warns valley Scribes
  • Geelani group slams national media and its Valley based reporters
  • News channels are Intelligence mouth pieces, says Geelani

Hurriyat Conference headed by Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Friday warned Kashmiri reporters working with National News channels asking them to ‘mend their ways’ or face dire action.

The threat came a day after Kashmir based correspondents of National media Agencies highlighted the waving of Pakistani flag in Masarat Alam led Separatist rally.

Calling National news channels as the mouth pieces of Intelligence agencies, Geelani lead Hurriyat said that they will expose the reporters by name in Public if they continue their betrayal to Kashmiri Nation.

“These channels have become the mouthpiece of intelligence agencies and we have no expectations from them, but the role of reporters who work for them is painful for the Kashmiri nation” reported the Srinagar based newspapers.

The dailies reported that Geelani group is miffed by National media for the one sided coverage of incidents in Kashmir

“Whenever any innocent civilian is killed by the Indian army and police in Jammu & Kashmir, these channels seems to be non-existent and they prefer to remain silent but when people of the same Kashmir come on the roads and peacefully express their inner feelings, these communal and fanatic people under the banner of journalism speak provocative language as if the whole India is in danger,” local media reported in Kashmir.

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