Faarukh Usmaan, Kashmiri skier questions WGFI’s move to keep his status in disputed list

The national gold medal winning skier from Kashmir, Faarukh Usmaan, has questioned Winter Games Federation of India (WGFI) over keeping his status in the disputed list.
“Federation International Skiing (FIS) races are going to be held in India for the first time and according to FIS rules only top Indian players will be participating in such an event. WGFI has stopped me from participating in the race as they have kept my status as disputed,” Usmaan said in his grievance.
Usmaan sees WGFI move as discriminatory since he had filed a complaint against the selection process.
“I am national gold medalist and have also represented India in International FIS race held at Turkey in which I was the only one in the boy’s contingent to qualify the maximum number of races and according to the rules of selection I had to be selected for the Sochi World Cup in early 2016. But the WGFI manipulated the rules, sending their own players instead,” he said.
“I filed a complaint in the FIS regarding the discrimination done to the Kashmiri skiers by the WGFI and how they prefer players for events,” Usmaan said.
Usmaaan said that even his home association has not come to his help.
“My own association has always been non supportive towards skiers. They did not come forward when they should have,” he added.
President Winter Games Association of J&K Abbass Wani said he would take up matter with WGFI but currently according to recent legal issue WGFI has no office bearer.
“Once this legal issue would be sorted out, I will definitely raise up this issue. I will do everything to help this skier to be part of the FIS races scheduled to be hosted by India. Infact I will try to see why such issues arise and why our skiers complain about the treatment meted out to them by WGFI,” he said.

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