Have 4 eggs a week to slash risk of diabetes

Including 4 eggs to your diet per week could help reduce risk of developing diabetes, finds a new study.

Have 4 eggs a week to slash risk of diabetesUniversity of Eastern Finland researchers were surprised to learn that eggs, which are high in cholesterol, could cut the risk developing Type 2 diabetes by nearly 40 per cent, the Daily Express reported.

It may be due to nutrients, that improves the way the body metabolises sugar and help to dampen down inflammation which leads to chronic illness.

After examining the eating habits of 2,332 middle-aged men, who signed up to a study in the l980s, the scientists found that men who ate roughly 4 eggs a week were 38 per cent less likely to fall ill than those who rarely or never ate eggs.

These men also had lower blood sugar levels without any steep rise in cholesterol.

However, they added that consuming over 4 eggs a week did not seem to increase the effect, and they the way an egg was cooked wasn’t put in consideration.

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