Kashmir hub of spurious drugs: DAK

Issues white paper on the menace

Kashmir hub of spurious drugs - DAKDoctors Association Kashmir (DAK) faction led by Dr Nissar-ul-Hassan today said that spurious and substandard drug trade is continuing unabated in the valley and the menace has not only afflicted government run hospitals but entire drug market is in its dragnet.
President DAK Dr Nisar ul Hassan said that the deadly business of spurious drugs is within the knowledge of authorities and agencies meant for controlling the menace.
Kashmir is a hub of spurious drugs and there is a deep rooted nexus of drug mafia and shoddy pharma units that pump massive quantities of substandard drugs in valley.
India is a capital of counterfeit drugs and 40% Indian market is under the grip of spurious drugs and Kashmir is a safe haven for this deadly business.
DAK in 2013 unearthed infamous spurious drug scam in valley but nothing was done to prevent this menace except some cosmetic appearance made by drug controlling agencies in market.
Despite documentary evidence of involvement of some power houses they were let off and shielded by state.
A noted cardiothoracic surgeon Dr Trehan few years back said that the highest numbers of world’s spurious drugs are sold in Kashmir.
PDP spokesperson Naeem Akhter on record has said that Kashmir centric pharma factories are opened in rest of the country to manufacture spurious drugs to be sold in our state.
According to an estimate 50% of drugs consumed by people in valley are substandard and one can imagine the toll in terms of life they must have exacted.
500 infant deaths in 2012 at GB Pant hospital attributed by authorities to negligence of doctors were due to spurious drugs.
The menace of spurious drugs in the valley is an organized crime and has patronage of powerful and mighty.
The spurious drugs cannot be taken as a routine practice of corruption but tantamount to culpable homicide but in this part perpetrators enjoy impunity as victims are disempowered Kashmirs.

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