Health implications of wireless devices

Health implications of wireless devices

Remember cell phones are a necessity, don’t make it a luxury. To use smart devices you have to be over smart.

With increasing electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), several health problems are occurring in people who use smart wireless devices for extended periods of time. Due to the ionizing power of a photon with an energy greater than 10 electron volts, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted by wireless devices is classified as ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Higher frequencies such as x-rays and gamma rays are ionizing and thus pose their own biological and health hazards such as sunburn (the same mechanism is used in a microwave for cooking). For example, if a person approaches a powerful transmitting antenna, they may suffer burns.
In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) identified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” based on the higher risk of glioma (malignant brain cancer) associated with wireless phone use. According to INTERPHONE’s reports, case studies show a link between cell phone use and the development of gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Especially in the masses, the tumors were on the same side of the head where they used to put their phones. Usually, tumors were found on the temporal lobe of the brain, highly exposed to RF radiation when a cell phone is used near the ear. Chicago Tribune reporters in the year 2019 tested the radiation level of smartphones. After researching and analyzing the various models from multiple manufacturers, it was reported that some models emit radiation at power levels in excess of the exposure limit set by the US Federal Communications Commission. After a peer review, completed in March 2018, by the US National Toxicology Program, the results of their amazing study were published. A rat and mouse study conducted over 10 years revealed that the male rats exposed to high doses of the radio frequency used in 2G and 3G cellular networks developed malignant heart tumors.
In 1983, mobile phones were introduced for the first time. These evolved from huge, untidy gadgets to today’s sleek, multi-functional mobile phones. Joel Moskowitz, a researcher at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health and director of Berkeley’s Center for Family and Community Health has attempted to demonstrate that the radio frequency emitted by cell phones is dangerous. He claimed that the majority of people do not want to hear this fact. Although almost all people now own a mobile phone, extensive research shows that prolonged use of a mobile phone can be harmful to health due to the radiation emitted by these devices. The mobile phones operating on frequencies that overlap with microwave frequencies cause heating, eye damage and hyperthermia when radiated from a high intensity source. Infrared wavelengths of 750 nm cause the glassblower’s cataract.
The effect of EMR from wireless devices on fertility and reproduction is a debatable topic. In the year 2021, a scientific assessment of the use of 5G RF was carried out. It was concluded that this frequency range may adversely affect female fertility and embryonic and fetal development, as well as male fertility. Sufficient trials should be performed to draw conclusions for higher frequencies. These are the scenarios where the actual magnitude of the risks is unknown and to minimize the potential risks, prudent avoidance is a precaution taken to control the risk.
The WHO has recommended this measure to minimize the use of wireless devices by risk groups (e.g. children) by adopting the following: 1. Reduce the use of mobile phones and microcells with high levels of radiation 2. Avoid the use of Bluetooth headsets and devices operating on Body Area Networks (BANs) 3. Adoption of minimum exposure standards set by regulatory authorities 4. To maintain maximum distance from RF radiated by base station antennas (cellular phone towers), etc. Radiation advisory authorities recommend keeping the mobile away from the body and not using a phone in the car without an external antenna. It has been proven that the specific absorption rate (SAR) is about 135% higher in children than in adults. Also due to the higher permittivity of the brain in children, the radiations penetrate far beyond the midbrain and can adversely affect hearing, cognitive, emotional and neurological development. Information dissemination and awareness in this context remain a challenge, as proper knowledge about health impacts is not evoked in the literature and by the media.
Some counterfeit products have become popular through advertisements for shielding electromagnetic radiation. Such devices that block a small part of the phone are ineffective because the whole cell phone radiates the signals. These blocking devices can interfere with the phone’s signal and draw more power from the transmitter to maintain communication with it. The US Federal Trade Commission has filed false advertising lawsuits against companies that market these devices.
This research is mainly conducted on possible adverse health effects in the human body as a result of prolonged and immediate exposure to RF. The main focus of this study is to analyze the effect of mmWave frequencies (used in emerging 5G networks) on the human body and the precautions to be taken when adapting the next generation networks. Exposure of the human body to mmWave or 5G frequency (30-300 GHz) can cause direct or indirect health effects. These effects can be immediate or long lasting, for example muscle or nerve twitching, an increase in the temperature of tissues due to absorption of radio frequencies and changing regular chemical reactions in a body. Sometimes one can also get a mild electric shock or burns when touching a conductor. Long-term exposure to these EMWs increases the risk of cancer.
The study conducted by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) titled “Critical evaluation of two radiofrequency electromagnetic field animal carcinogenicity studies,” published in Health Phys., reported that long-term cell phone use increases mild risk of brain injury. tumors. In addition, exposure to EMWs in mmWave can cause carcinogenesis. The IARC monographs evaluated the carcinogenic effects of frequencies from 30 kHz – 300 GHz. The cancer bioassays and epidemiological evidence showed the potential carcinogenic risk and malignant brain tumor in people who use mobile phones continuously. The research work published in J. Environ. Health Sc. Spooky. proven that exposure to mobile phone EMWs can be a potential cause of early spontaneous abortions and can also adversely affect the male and female reproductive system.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that people with implanted cardiac implants such as pacemakers and other medical devices should place phones and other EMW-emitting devices at least 6-8 inches away from the implants. These devices are affected by electromagnetic interference (EMI), where the RF signal is misinterpreted as a signal from the heart. This causes the implanted device to temporarily stop working, which can be dangerous. People are concerned about the impact of these issues caused by wireless devices, especially as they have become a part of everyday life. It is important to apply some safety tips to reduce exposure to EMWs, especially when we prefer smart homes where everything is connected, although every connection is invisible!
1. Keep the mobile phone away from your body during a call.
2. Use a wired headset or speaker mode during a call
3. Do not carry mobile phones in pockets of pants or shirts, rather keep them in a bag away from the body.
4. Limit the amount of power used by cell phones by bypassing their use while traveling in a vehicle or in a rural area far from a cell tower. The mobile phone keeps switching from one cell tower to another and therefore the radiation emission of a cell phone increases with the distance from a cell tower.
5. Use your phone in regions with strong signals (shown by a number of bars on the reception indicator)
6. Hold the phone away from your ear while you are on the phone until the person on the other end answers. Before a call is established, the device emits more radiation.
7. Children should not keep their mobile phones next to their bed or sleep with them under their pillows as their bodies are more sensitive to radiation absorption.
8. You don’t need it, turn it off!
Therefore, the implementation of default policies and adjusting the default exposure levels are indispensable for high-risk groups. In addition, the relevant government agencies and researchers should launch awareness campaigns. This also requires in-depth research into mobile phone technology and its effects on the security of mobile users.
Remember cell phones are a necessity, don’t make it a luxury. To use smart devices you have to be over smart.

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